

Your factory, like life, never exists in a vacuum. Sending your partially-manufactured products out for external treatment, modification or testing can cause havoc with your schedules. That's where PRS comes in. Create treatment purchase orders right from the factory floor. Raise and track NCR and fault reports at any time, and liaise with your logistics team to ensure that product is collected and delivered quickly and efficiently to keep you on-time and under budget!

Nothing is worse than delivering your product to site, only to find out that it doesn't match the spec, is the wrong color, or has some flaw that requires you to fix or re-make it. That's why PRS has a built-in digital quality assurance system covering everything from incoming goods, all through the manufacturing process, and extended right through to installation, testing and commissioning. Be assured that your projects are delivered to the highest possible standard with PRS!

You know that not everything gets made the same way. But to efficiently run a factory, you need control over how product flows through the various stages of your manufacturing process. With its sophisticated Manufacturing Template system, PRS gives you exactly that. Predict workloads, highlight delays and bottlenecks, and reallocate resources quicker with our industry-leading factory management tools!

If you're involved in manufacturing, you will know the frustration with trying get stuff made just-in-time. So knowing what is being made, what's scheduled next, and what is being held up due to design or supply-chain issues is critical to effectively delivering your product to site. With a sophisticated kanban-based manufacturing management system, PRS helps you take control of your factory, and make sure your staff are working on the right jobs in the right way.